Federal occupation of portland

summer - fall 2020

During the protests and riots over the murder of George Floyd by a police officer, federal officers with the Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Patrol were deployed to Portland, Oregon to defend the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse. Protesters clashed almost nightly with the federal officers for months, causing damage to property and injuries to both police and protesters. After many of the federal officers were withdrawn, the protests died down, leaving mostly militant anti-police activists who continued to target the Portland Police Bureau.
More photos coming soon.

Revolution Retrospective: Portland Uprising

September 2020

REVOLUTION RETROSPECTIVE presents dispatches from the streets of an America in turmoil as citizens demand equality and justice for all in the wake of the killing of George Floyd. Throughout July 2020, federal officers were deployed to the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse following vandalism to the building during protests. For weeks, protesters clashed with federal officers outside the courthouse. I covered the protests at the end of July from the day a large fence was erected around the courthouse until federal officers no longer came outside of the building.